mrGott – Review of “iOS 9 and Swift 2: Step It Up” video tutorial by Michael Rudowsky on Udemy
iOS Development
- 17.5 hours on-demand video
- 4 Articles
- 48 Supplemental Resources
- Full lifetime access
- Access on mobile and TV
- Certificate of Completion
Course Description
Emphasis on solid theoretical background, design principles, app architecture, best coding practices, monthly new videos and updates.
34 coding sessions, 4 challenges, 4 exercises, 3 quizzes and interview questions
NEW – refer to the bonus section
- Ask Michael – Q & A – Interview Questions
The goal is for everyone to take the skills learned throughout this course and apply them to the challenges. This will allow you to gain more experience through actual work and collaboration.
This is not just a course but a growing community to constantly push the limits and share and collaborate.
Have you taken an iOS development course that has left you with more questions? Do you have the basic fundamentals, but want to take your knowledge to the next level? If so, this course is for you!
You can Step It UP using REST-APIs. Through this interactive course, you will have the opportunity to use available APIs to build apps that are specific to your interests and build incredible mobile apps.
With each of the 93 lectures building off of the proceeding one, you’ll build a music video app from scratch following the model-view-controller design pattern and best coding practices. You will have the opportunity for hands on practice to apply the newly acquired skills to your own concept through challenges and exercises.
After the completion of this course our journey just begins. You will have the opportunity to continue your education by watching a new lecture presented every month. Your feedback will determine the direction of additional content in the bonus section.
I look forward to taking this journey with you.
Step It Up! | Updated: 5/10/2016 | |
Section 1: Intro to course | ||
Lecture 1 | Music Video App Demo | |
Lecture 2 | Meet Michael | |
Lecture 3 | Goals of the class | |
Lecture 4 | Why take this course? | |
Lecture 5 | Course Roadmap - our journey together | |
Section 2: Web Service Technologies | ||
Lecture 6 | REST API Concepts - the developers opportunity | |
Lecture 7 | JSON Fundamentals - unleash the power of data | |
Lecture 8 | Intro to the iTunes REST-API | |
Lecture 9 | Challenge 1 | |
Section 3: Object Oriented Programming Principles in Swift | ||
Lecture 10 | Object Oriented Programming Principles | |
Lecture 11 | Classes and Objects | |
Lecture 12 | Inheritance | |
Lecture 13 | Polymorphism | |
Lecture 14 | Encapsulation | |
Lecture 15 | Abstraction | |
Lecture 16 | Power of OOP - iOS Frameworks and Foundation | |
Quiz 1 | ||
Section 4: Key Concepts in iOS Development | ||
Lecture 17 | Model-View-Controller Design Pattern | |
Lecture 18 | Model-View-Controller Communication Rules | |
Lecture 19 | Delegation and Protocols Design Pattern | |
Lecture 20 | Singleton Design Pattern | |
Lecture 21 | Application Lifecycle | |
Lecture 22 | View Controller Lifecycle | |
Quiz 2 | ||
Section - 5: Source Control Management | ||
Lecture 23 | Git Basic Concepts - command-line tool | |
Lecture 24 | Demo - Add Git repository manually to Xcode Project | |
Lecture 25 | GitHub - Web Based Git repository hosting system | |
Lecture 26 | Managing source code with Xcode and GitHub | |
Lecture 27 | Exercise - create free account with GitHub | |
Quiz 3 | ||
Section 6: Building Our App Back-End | ||
Lecture 28 | Overview of the Back-End Processing | |
Lecture 29 | Setting up our project | |
Lecture 30 | Part - 1 Project Setup | |
Lecture 31 | Connect to the API | |
Lecture 32 | Part - 2 NSURLSession | |
Lecture 33 | Convert the NSData to JSON | |
Lecture 34 | Part - 3 NSJSONSerialization | |
Lecture 35 | Define our data model | |
Lecture 36 | Part - 4 Create class with custom initializer | |
Lecture 37 | Exercise - Finish the custom initializer | |
Lecture 38 | Part 5 Review the completed custom initializer | |
Lecture 39 | Recap What we learned so far… | |
Lecture 40 | Part 6 Call custom initializer to build array | |
Lecture 41 | Part 7 Obj-C Reachability bridging header | |
Lecture 42 | Part 8 Obj-C Reachability App Delegate | |
Lecture 43 | Part 9 Obj-C Reachability view controller | |
Lecture 44 | Part 10 Debugging tips | |
Lecture 45 | Challenge 2 | |
Section 7: User Interface - list screen Part 1 | ||
Lecture 46 | Overview of the User Interface | |
Lecture 47 | Table View vs. Table View Controller explained | |
Lecture 48 | Part 11 - Tableview | |
Lecture 49 | Part 12 - Table View Controller | |
Lecture 50 | Part 13 - Reachability final touches | |
Lecture 51 | Objectives - Implement custom cell | |
Lecture 52 | Part 14 - Implement custom cell | |
Lecture 53 | Part 15 - Get image from the URL | |
Lecture 54 | Part 16 - App Transport Security | |
Lecture 55 | Part 17 - Preferred Fonts | |
Lecture 56 | Challenge 3 | |
Section 8: User Interface - detail screen Part 2 | ||
Lecture 57 | Part 18 - Create detail screen and setup UI | |
Lecture 58 | Part 19 - Pass data to detail screen from row selected | |
Lecture 59 | Part 20 - Size Classes | |
Lecture 60 | Exercise - Preferred Fonts | |
Section 9: User Interface - settings page Part 3 | ||
Lecture 61 | Part 21 - Create settings page and setup UI | |
Lecture 62 | Part 22 - Create class and connect to storyboard | |
Lecture 63 | Part 23 - Switch and NSUserDefaults | |
Lecture 64 | Part 24 - Slider and NSUserDefaults | |
Lecture 65 | Exercise - Implement About screen | |
Section 10: Featured Functionality - Part 4 | ||
Lecture 66 | Part 25 - AVPlayerViewController | |
Lecture 67 | Part 26 - UIRefreshControl | |
Lecture 68 | Part 27 - UIActivityViewController | |
Lecture 69 | Part 28 - MFMailComposeViewController | |
Lecture 70 | Part 29 - AuthenticationWithBiometrics | |
Lecture 71 | Our Design Session | |
Lecture 72 | Part 30 - Setup search bar and code datasource | |
Lecture 73 | Part 31 - Search - code our string matching | |
Lecture 74 | Part 32 - Class Extensions | |
Lecture 75 | Challenge 4 | |
Section 11: Where to Next? | ||
Lecture 76 | App Store Review Guidelines | |
Lecture 77 | Our Journey never ends… | |
Section 12: Bonus | ||
Lecture 78 | Our Journey Continues | |
Lecture 79 | Part 33 - Swift 2.2 - New #selector syntax | |
Lecture 80 | Code review/optimize - Music Video Class | |
Lecture 81 | Code review/optimize - APIManager | |
Lecture 82 | Part 34 - Optimize APIManager - coding session | |
Lecture 83 | New monthly SWIFT coding challenge | |
Lecture 84 | New Music Video APP Open Source Project |